23 September 2011

Cara Mendapatkan Uang dari Flixya (Getting Money from Flixya)

Indonesia Version
Sudahkah Anda tahu Flixya.com? Di Flixya Anda bisa share video, upload foto, menulis blog, promosi blog kita, mendapat teman, dan yang paling asyik nih melalui Flixya kita bisa mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan melalui program Google AdSense adalah program gratis yang memberdayakan penayang daring untuk meraih pendapatan dengan menampilkan iklan yang relevan pad blog/situs yang menampilkan iklan dari Adsense.

Yup di flixya kita bisa menampilkan iklan adsense kita dan hebatnya 100% revenue diberikan pada kita. Iklan yang relevan akan muncul. Biasanya kita tidak dapat melihat iklan adsense kita sendiri. Jadi bisa mencegah kita untuk mengklik iklan sendiri :) dan itulah keunikan di flixya

Anda tertarik dan ingin tahu lebih jauh? Ini contoh flixya saya. Nah kalau Anda tertarik untuk mendaftar berikut langkah-langkahnya:
1. Masuk ke halaman pendaftaran Flixya
2. Create new flixya account: isi username, email, password, confirm password , first name (nama depan Anda), last name (nama belakang Anda), tuliskan huruf / angka yang Anda lihat. Klik start now.
3. Setelah selesai pendaftaran, coba check email yang tadi Anda daftarkan ke flixya. Klik link yang ada di sana untuk memverifikasi account Anda.
4. Setelah itu Anda dapat login dan mulai mengedit profile, men-share video, upload foto, mengisi blog yang ada di sana dengan konten Anda.
5. Langkah selanjutnya Anda bisa mendaftarkan account Adsense Anda (jadi sebaiknya Anda sudah memiliki account Adsense terlebih dahulu). Caranya klik my account, revenue setting
6. Kita akan diminta mengisi email yang kita gunakan waktu pendaftaran adsense, postal code rumah kita, dan 5 digit nomer terakhir telepon yang kita pakai saat pendaftaran Adsense.

7. Nomer publisher adsense kita akan muncul. Setelah kita aktifkan, kita log out.
8. Tunggu beberapa saat. Di email Anda akan melihat ada email yang berjudul "Google Adsense Access Verification for www.flixya.com". Klik link setelah please follow this link.
9. Bila sukses akan muncul tulisan Account Access Granted. You have granted the website www.flixya.com access to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at adsense-support@google.com.
10. Anda bisa mencari teman, mereferensikan teman, menambah konten blog, upload foto, share video, dsb.

Dengan Flixya, anda dapat menulis blog dengan cara anda sendiri dan setiap blog yang anda posting akan menampilkan iklan adsense anda sehingga meningkatkan page impression adsense. Anda juga dapat mengupload video, foto, galery, dan semua yang dapat di uang kan dengan segera melalui flixya..
In English
If in your Friendster and Facebook is not paid, but if the flixya ... You will be paid 100% ... Because Flixya with Google Adsense

Germany :

Wenn in Ihrem Friendster und Facebook ist nicht bezahlt, aber wenn die flixya ... Sie wird 100% ... Da Flixya mit Google Adsense

Spain :

Si en su Friendster y Facebook no se paga, pero si el flixya ... Se le pagará el 100% ... Porque Flixya con Google Adsense


Se nel tuo Friendster e Facebook non è pagato, ma, se la flixya ... Sarai pagato al 100% ... Perché Flixya con Google Adsense

Anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan saat ada orang yang mengklik iklan Adsense Anda di Flixya. Ingat, jangan melakukan klik fraud, mengklik iklan sendiri atau meminta tolong teman saling mengklik iklan, jangan pula mengklik iklan terlalu banyak sekaligus.

Selamat mencoba mendaftar Flixya, salam sukses.
 Good Luck Friend N semoga berhasil, hehehe up up up :-D

English Version
Did you know Flixya.com? At Flixya you can share videos, upload photos, write blogs, blog promotion, make friends, and the most fun ya through Flixya we can get additional revenue through Google AdSense program is a free program that empowers online publishers to gain revenue by displaying ads Relevant pad blogs / sites that display ads from Adsense.
Yup on Flixya we can show our adsense ads and incredibly 100% revenue given to us. Relevant ads will appear. Usually we can not see our own adsense ads. So can prevent us to click your own ads:) and that uniqueness in Flixya

You are interested and want to know more? This example of my Flixya. Well if you are interested in applying the following steps:
Go to registration page Flixya
Create new account Flixya: the contents of the username, email, password, confirm password, first name (your first name), last name (last name), write the letters / numbers you see. Click start now.
Once registration is completed, try to check the email you registered earlier to Flixya. Click the link that was there to verify your account.
After that you can login and start editing the profile, to share videos, upload photos, fill out a blog that is in there with your content.
The next step you can register your Adsense account (so you should already have an Adsense account first). I click my account, setting revenue6. We will be asked to fill out the email that we use the time adsense registration, postal code of our homes, and the last five digits of telephone numbers that we use at enrollment Adsense.
7. Phone adsense publisher we will emerge. Once we activate, we log out.8. Wait a few moments. In the email you will see there is an email titled "Google AdSense Access Verification for www.flixya.com". Click the following link please follow this link.9. If successful will appear the words Account Access Granted. You have granted the website www.flixya.com access to your account. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at adsense-support@google.com.10. You can find friends, referring friends, adding blog content, upload photos, share videos, etc..
With Flixya, you can write a blog with your own way and every blog you post will display your adsense ads adsense thus increasing page impressions. You can also upload videos, photos, gallery, and all you can do with the money immediately through Flixya ..
If in your Friendster and Facebook is not paid, but if the Flixya ... You Will be paid 100% ... Because Google Adsense with Flixya
Wenn in Ihrem Friendster Facebook und ist nicht bezahlt, aber die Flixya WENN ... Sie wird 100% ... Da mit Google Adsense Flixya
Si en su Friendster Facebook y no se paga, pero el Flixya the ... Se le pagará el 100% ... Porque con Google Adsense Flixya
Se nel tuo e Facebook Friendster pagato non è, ma, se la Flixya ... Sarai pagato al 100% ... Flixya Perche con Google Adsense

You will earn money when someone clicks on your Adsense ads on Flixya. Remember, do not do click fraud, click your own ads or ask friends for help each click on ads, do not also click on the ads too much at once.

Good luck registering Flixya, greeting success.

Good Luck Friend N good luck, hehehe up up up:-D

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4 komentar

kapan-kapan pengen coba ah.. berhubung sekarang koneksi lagi kurang bagus...

ane bookmark dulu gan :) kyknya perlu digunakan :) thanks yah sob :)


Ini yang saya cari gan, makasih informasinya. hehe
jadi tambah semangat, wkwkw

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